How to: AR-Model

Augmented Mülheim!
  • Build your model for a Location in Mülheim
  • Make a 3D Scan of the Model At our Scan Station with the PolyScan App on the Scanner ipad
  • Use the PolyScan Viewer to place your 3D Model directly at the Location and make Screenshots
  • Make an Audio recording in the modelcity Website wird the iPad

Easy, right?

( helpful pictures Coming soon…)


All in all, we can put AR-Models in six different Locations. They will be marke with large ‘map pins’ with qr-codes, so everyone can see the Models with their phone.

Here is a list of locations. ( They are not decided yet)


Some Materials do not work for 3D planning. Avoid:

  • Reflective / Glossy Materials like plastic packaging or metal
  • Transparent materials

Size/ Dimensions

You can build Models for AR in all sizes. And you can make them any size on the Location.

But: Combinations of very large and very small Details do not work very well…