window.__mdc__configuration = { "overviewURL": "", "environmentImageURL": "../../assets/images/potsdamer_platz_1k.jpg", "reticleURL": "../../assets/reticle.gltf", "scene": { "title": "Nichtsnutzort", "location": "Am Hauptbahnhof", "modelURL": "./nichtsnutz_bahnhof_combinede.gltf", "soundURL":"./modelcity_nichtsnutzort_mixdown.mp3", /** * scene.transforms are applied after loading the gltf from scene.url. * set property to null to not apply any transform. * order of appliance: position > rotation > scaling. */ "transform": { "position": { "x": -5.0, "y": -15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "rotation": { "x": null, "y": null, "z": null }, "scaling": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 } }, /** * ambient light is added by code, if defined */ "ambientLight" : { "color": "0xffffff", "intensity": 1 }, "ambientLight" : { "color": "0xffffff", "intensity": 1 }, /** * camera start position for inline scene. * Rotation is determined by lookAt function. */ "camera" : { "position": { "x": 1, "y": 10, "z": 10 } }, /** * Optional on-screen-text will be displayed with an ${delay} in milliseconds * relative to the moment, when the AR scene is ready. * It will be displayed as an overlay and vanishes after ${duration} milliseconds. */ "onScreenText": { "delay": 1000, "duration": 20000, "text_rotate": "Du kannst das Objekt bewegen!
Drehen: zwei Finger
Verschieben: ein Finger", "text_place": "Per Touch auf dem Display platzierst du das Objekt" } } };